Bronx False Arrest Lawyer

bronxcriminal - The Bronx, New York - Sep 27, 2024
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Every day in the City of New York people go to jail for crimes that they did not commit. There is nothing more horrifying than being handcuffed, man-handled, searched and thrown into a jail cell for absolutely no reason.
Every day in New York City police , courthouses and jails people are let out the back door, their cases DPd (decline to prosecute) , dismissed, or terminated favorably after a not guilty verdict.
Not a day goes by without another story of a police officer kicking, hitting, or choking the very people they are sworn to protect and served.
When you are the victim of a false arrest or police brutality in New York, you do not have to walk away quietly. You have the right to human dignity. You have the right to seek money damages against the City and against the police officers who arrested you or used excessive force against you.
Peter J. Schaffer, a New York City False Arrest Lawyer and criminal defense attorney fights to achieve justice and monetary awards for his clients. Mr. Schaffer is a veteran trial attorney who has in the courtroom for the past 33 years. Mr. Schaffer has tried numerous criminal and false arrest cases in State and federal court.
Attorneys working with Mr. Schaffer over the past several years have recovered over a million dollars in settlements for clients who were falsely arrested and held in jail. While not every dismissal results in a successful false arrest case, Mr. Schaffer offers free professional . You will know if you may be entitled to financial for your loss of liberty.
An arrest is more than an inconvenience. It may have a lasting impact on a persons life. If you or a loved one has been arrested only to have the case dismissed, DPd (decline to prosecute or resolved in your favor as the result of an acquittal after trial, or if you have been the victim of police brutality you should contact Peter J. Schaffer at 718-585-4444 for a no-cost professional .

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