Selenium Online Training Overview

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Selenium Online Training is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Selenium. Learn Selenium Online Training skills with real experts, either in live classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best. Selenium an open-source framework for automated testing of web . Selenium supports various programming languages and browsers, making it a tool for testing web-based across different environments. This course covers the key concepts, techniques, and best practices for automated testing using Selenium.
This Selenium Online Training begins with an introduction to automated testing and the importance of Selenium in the software development lifecycle. Participants will learn about Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and the Selenium IDE. The course covers topics such as web elements, performing actions, handling dynamic content, and robust test scripts. Practical examples, hands-on projects, and real-world scenarios will be used to reinforce theoretical concepts. Learn Selenium Online Training skills with real experts
Course Objectives
The primary objectives of the Selenium Online Training course are as follows:
1. Introduction to Automated Testing: Provide an overview of automated testing and its significance in ensuring software quality.
2. Introduction to Selenium: Understand the role of Selenium in the testing of web .
3. Selenium WebDriver: Explore Selenium WebDriver, the core component for browser in Selenium.
4. Web Elements: Learn techniques for identifying and HTML elements on web pages for interaction.
5. Performing Actions: Understand how to perform various actions on web elements, such as clicks, inputs, and selections.
6. Handling Dynamic Content: Explore for handling dynamic content and asynchronous in Selenium.
7. Selenium Grid: Introduce Selenium Grid for parallel execution of test scripts across multiple browsers and environments.
8. Testing Framework : Learn how to integrate Selenium with testing frameworks like TestNG or JUnit.
9. Page Object Model (POM Understand the concept of the Page Object Model for maintainable and scalable test scripts.
10. Cross-Browser Testing: Explore techniques for conducting cross-browser testing to ensure across different browsers.
Prerequisites Selenium Online Training Pre-Requisites:
o Basic understanding of software testing concepts.
o Familiarity with at least one programming language (e.g Java, Python
o Knowledge of HTML and CSS.
o Understanding of web browsers and their developer tools.
o Awareness of test principles and frameworks.
o Experience with using and integrated development environments (IDEs
Course Curriculum
Manual Testing Demos
o Introduction of Manual Testing
o Testing Methods / Techniques
o Level of Testing SDLC
o What is SDLC
o Water fall Model
o Prototype Model
o Evolutionary Model or Incremental Model
o Spiral Model
o V-Model
o Agile Methodology Difference QA and QC
o What is the role of the QA
o What is the role of the QC STLC
o Test Planning
o Test Development
o Test Execution
o Result Analysis
o Bug tracking
o Reporting
o Closed Out Test Scenarios
o Entry and Exit Criteria
o What is mean by Test Scenarios
o How to Design Test Scenarios
o Design Guidelines To write Test Scenarios Test Cases
o Entry and Exit Criteria
o What is mean by Test Cases
o How to Design Test Cases
o Design Guidelines To write Test Cases Test Execution Bug Reporting
o Guide lines of Test Execution
o Steps to execute test cases Bug Life Cycle
o How to log the defect
o How to Verify the Defect Status
o How to Close the Defect
o Difference between Defect ,Bug, Error, failure Severity and Priority
o How we are consider Severity
o Types of Severity
o Types of Priority JIRA
o How to Install the Jira
o How to Create Sprint
o How to Release Sprint in agile process
o How to log the Defect to Particular Developer Zephyr Scale
o How to install Zephyr scale for Jira
o How to create the test cases in zephyr scale
o How to execute the test cases in zephyr scale Additional Concepts
o Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria
o Test plan vs Test
o Test Design Techniques
o What is Exhaustive testing
o Bug Leakage vs Bug Release
o RTM and DTM
o Manual testing Terminology
o Testing Principal Types of Testing
o Build Acceptance testing
o Re Testing
o Regression Testing
o Smoke Testing
o Sanitary Testing
o Static Testing
o Dynamic Testing
o Testing
o Usability Testing
o Testing
o Alpha Testing
o Beta Testing
o Security Based Testing
o Testing
o Privilege Testing or fire wall testing
o Port Testing
o Monkey testing
o Gorilla testing
o Spike testing
o Load testing
o testing
o Ad hoc Testing
o End- End Testing
Core Java Introduction
o Introduction
o History
o Dependency
o Independency
o Download and Install
o Path Settings
o Manual Execution
o IDEs Programming Elements
o Introduction to Variables and Methods First
o Classes
o Objects
o Contexts (Static and Instance)
o Naming Conventions
o Main Method (Object Class Methods to Be Discussed Later On) Data Types
o Primitive Types
o Reference Types
o Limits
o Type Casting
o Arithmetic
o Assignment
o Logical
o Conditional
o Shif
o Bitwise
o Compound Assignment Control
o Conditional Control with Flowcharts and Programs
o Loop Control with Flowcharts and Programs
o Branching Access Modifiers
o Private
o Package
o Protected
o Public Wrapper Classes
o String Conversions
o Boxing, Unboxing
o Auto Boxing, Auto Unboxing
o Fields of Wrapper Classes Packages
o Introduction
o Pre-defined Packages
o Custom Package
o Manual of Package Files util Package
o Random Class
o Scanner Class Subpackages
o Custom Subpackage
o Class Loader Subsystem
o Fully Qualified Name
o Duplicate Classes OOPS
o Introduction
o 'this' Keyword
o 'this Method
o POJO Class Inheritance
o Introduction
o IS-A
o Types of Inheritance
o Object in Inheritance Super
o 'super' Keyword
o 'super Method
o Object in Inheritance
o 'this' vs 'super' Final
o Final Class
o Final Method
o Final Variables
o Final Constructor Abstraction Classes
o Abstraction
o Abstract Methods
o Abstract Classes
o Object of Abstract Class
o Object
o Static and Abstract
o Abstract and Final Interfaces
o Introduction
o 'implements' Keyword
o among Classes, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes
o Upcasting Polymorphism
o Introduction
o Method Overloading
o Method Overriding Exception Handling
o Introduction
o Hierarchy
o Errors and Exceptions
o Handling Exception
o 'try 'catch 'multi catch'
o 'throw 'throws'
o Custom Exceptions String Handling
o Introduction
o Mutability, Immutability
o String Methods String Classes
o String Buffer, String Builder
o String Tokenizer Reflection API
o 'Class.forName
o Dynamic Loading
o Class
o Methods Arrays
o Introduction
o One-Dimensional Arrays
o Arrays Class
o Two-Dimensional Arrays
o Multi-Dimensional Arrays Collection Framework
o Introduction
o For Each Loop
o Generics
o Collections Hierarchy List Interface
o ArrayList
o Vector
o Linked List
o Programs Queue Interface
o LinkedList
o Deque
o PriorityQueue Set Interface
o Hashtable
o HashSet
o LinkedHashSet
o TreeSet Map Interface
o HashMap
o LinkedHashMap
o TreeMap
o Comparator
Selenium Introductions of Selenium
o What is Mean by testing
o Difference between Selenium and UFT
o What is Selenium RC and GRID
o What is the Web Driver
o How to download Selenium Jar files
o How to download Selenium Drivers
o How to Organize the drivers
o How to Configure the Selenium project
o Selenium Working Mechanism
o List of HTML Elements
o In Selenium Eight
o Launching Browsers in Selenium
o How to execute test cases in chrome and firefox and Edge browsers
o Methods in Selenium
o How to use Scanner Class in Selenium
o How to use Conditions in Selenium
o How to use Abstract class in Selenium
o How to use Constructor in selenium real time
o How to Automate Google Search box
o testing and positive testing
o Automate login using four Sets
o Parallel Execution in Selenium in different ways
o Multi Browser Testing
o Execute the Test case in users in our favorite browser
o How Take the Screen Shot in Selenium
o Handling Drop Down
o Methods in Select Class
o Browser Commands
o Handling Alerts
o Handling Frame
o How to handle the Multi windows in selenium
o in Selenium How to handle the webpage by using Actions
o Actions in Selenium
o How to search By using Action
o How send the data by using Actions
o How to Click on Any Element By using Actions
o How to do Mouse over Action
o How to Click on expected element in Search bar
o How to Right click
o How to Drag and drop
o How to Double Click
o How to do Multiple Selector
o How to handle the Window popup How to handle the web page by using JSE
o JavaScript Executor in selenium Web Driver
o How to Get the title By using JSE
o How to Scroll Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top By Using JSE
o How to Refresh By using JSE
o How to Send the Data by Using JSE
o How to Click Hiding Element
o How to Click the Element By using JSE
o Types of Exceptions in Selenium
TestNG Introduction of TestNG
o How to Download TestNG
o How to create testing class
o How to execute TextNg Class without main Method
o How to Execute Multiple Test cases
o How to Execute Testcases Based on priority
o How to excute Group Testcases
o Order of
o How to Execute Parell execution
o How to Do the Cross browsing How Write the Real Time Scripts By using TestNG
o How to create .xml
o How to create parameter
o What is the Data provider with examples
o How to find passed Test cases in TestNG
o How to provide Enable false
o How to provide Description
o What is the diff between @Test and @beforetest
o Clear about all
o How to find failed test cases In TestNG
Tools Maven
o What is the Maven
o How to Create the Maven Project
o What is use of Maven in Real time
o What is the folder structure in Maven
o How to add the dependencies in maven
o What is the POM
o How to execute maven and how to resolve the maven errors GitHub
o What is the GIt Lab uses of Git
o How to Install Node JS
o How to Install npm
o How to Install Git
o How to create git Account
o How to store the Frame works or any
o How to pull the frame work
o How to update any data in git
o How to update data in central Repository Jenkins
o What is the Jenkins and use of the Jenkins
o How to Install Jenkins
o What is the CICD
o How to Create the Jenkin Project
o How to Create the Jobs
o How to Execute the Jobs
o What is role of the DevOps in Jenkins Log4j
o What is Log4j
o Advantages of Log4j
o Steps to implement Log4j CUCUMBER (BDD) Framework
o What is the Cucumber
o How to create cucumber project
o How to add the dependencies
o How to validate the All Dependencies
o What is the file
o How to create and where we need to create future file
o What is Scenario and Scenario outline
o What is the and Background Key
o What is the Step definition
o How to map file in Step Definition
o What is Gherkin Language
o What is Dryrun and Monochrome
o What is JSON format and how to print that format
o What is the Test Runner and how to create the Test Runner
o What is the Cucumber options
o How to Execute the Cucumber project in Test Runner
o How to Install for cucumber
o How to install cucumber Plugin API - Testing
o What is the API
o How to install Postman
o How to Create workspace and collections
o What is the collections and Requests
o Types of API method
o What is the difference between REST and SOAP
o How to create the variable in global
o Types of HTTPS status codes
o What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS
o What is the Web Services and API
o What is the URI
o What is the difference between URL and URN
o What is the Domain path and path parameters Query path
o How to validate the API in real time
o How to execute APIs in command promote
o How to execute Collection level APIs
o How to create token
o How to use the token in API
o How to create the token in collection level
o API-Rest Assured
o Rest assured
o Examples Of Rest assured Program Testing
o What is the testing
o How to install the MySQL and
o How to create the table and insert and delete and update
o How to get the Single column values
o What is the Primary key forenkey
o How to connect the Data base through Eclipse
o How to get the Data base from in Eclipse
o Data Driven Frame Work
o How to create the Data Driven framework
o How to download Apach poi jar files
o How to install the POI
o What is the sxml and xml
o How to read the data from Excel sheet
o How to write the data from excel
Who can learn this course
Selenium Online Training Course is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:
1. Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers: Professionals in QA or testing roles looking to enhance their skills in automated web testing.
2. Software Testers: Individuals responsible for testing web seeking to automate repetitive testing tasks.
3. Developers: Programmers interested in automated testing into their software development process.
4. Test Engineers: Those specializing in test and wanting to learn Selenium for web testing.
5. DevOps Professionals: Individuals involved in the DevOps pipeline interested in automated testing for continuous .
6. Students and Graduates: Individuals pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields with an interest in software testing.
7. Anyone Interested in Automated Testing: Enthusiasts and professionals curious about leveraging Selenium for automated testing.
The Selenium Online Training is designed to cater to both beginners and individuals. Selenium Training by Experts
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